Friday, September 25, 2009

Out of the City for Once

Recently, I had a chance to take a trip with one of these "lets get a bunch of foreigners together and go do outdoorsy things" groups. Actually, it was very fun and gave me a chance to meet a whole new entourage of peoples. We took a trip out of Seoul (서울) to Gangwondo (강원도) on a nice big juicy bus. Honestly after being in the metropolis for six to seven months it was a breath of fresh air to leave, literally. Seoul doesn't exactly boast the cleanest air. Korea has some truly beautiful scenery once you make it outside any major city.

The objective of this trip was to do some hardcore rafting, hardcore socializing, and then of course hardcore river trekking. Turns out the only hardcore thing was the socializing. We may be able to attribute soju to encouraging the antics, however, it was a very good time whilst eating Korean BBQ and kimchi.

Rafting was interesting, somewhat fun, and somewhat not dangerous. Our guide told us that someone had died three weeks before we arrived on the rapids, but I think he was probably just trying to get our blood flowing. Also, he decided to put all seven of our crew on a very tiny rock and let us balance ourselves for about 10 minutes. That may have been one of the more interesting moments of rafting.

I had never been River Trekking before this trip, but it was really fun and much different from hiking a mountain. At all times you could look up and see the surrounding mountains, which were very steep. At various points there were nice jumping spots were we all took a plunge.

I've been thinking recently that it may actually be fun to see other parts of Korea more often. I may take some kind of road trip through Korea. I'll have to wait on that one.