Saturday, August 14, 2010

Themes of the Recent Robert

It's almost been 2 years since I've seen home. It's been worth every second.

The time in Korea seemed to pass by so quickly last year. I'm telling this story from a much changed perspective than I had at the time I left. How Do I begin?

Toward the end of the first teaching contract I completed in Seoul, I felt that all things were wrapping themselves up. I was heading in a direction that I felt was natural. That is, I was being led by the inspiration that brought me here in the first place....the desire to see the world and to experience things in an unfiltered and unbiased way. Well.....that is exactly what happened, and I feel deeply changed.

Korea is a country with a very different culture and society than any I've ever seen, insofar as it pisses me off the most. However, my experience here as been quite vivid and much more saturating because of the length of time I've been here. Overall, I think Korea is a great country and a great place to live in the world. I would never have truly felt this unless I had embarked on a journey of independent travel through Thailand and Malaysia.

The anticipation and excitement were almost unbearable as the time dwindled down to finishing my contract. I knew that I would be returning to Korea, because I had just extended my work visa with the same company and signed another contract for the following year. The catch was that I would start 3 months later. I had 3 months to do whatever I wanted. I decided going to Thailand was the best option.

Upon arrival I had no idea what to expect and I was definitely intimidated by the new faces, the masses of other travelers, and more importantly the heat. If you've ever seen "Apocalypse Now" you could guess why I felt like going a bit crazy like Kurtz did. The heat makes everybody a little crazy. This was also my first true solo traveling experience. Yes, I did come to Korea alone, but I had people waiting for me. I had people helping me along the way. In Thailand I didn't. The only contact I had was a buddy I met in Korea, who was only going to be around a few more days.

I received my 28 day Visa Waiver stamp in my passport and was thrust into what would be my greatest adventure yet. I spent 2 full months in Thailand and another 7 days in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. After all of it I returned to Korea with a profoundly different and new perspective on the world and traveling.

If I can tell any story, I want it to be permeated with the theme of self revelation and personal growth. These are the most important things traveling does to you, or for you. Traveling allows you to see your real self, that is of course, if you allow it to happen.... if you let go of the holds that would hold you.... seeing it for what it really is.

I realized this is just the beginning of my story...