Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Return of Travel

Initially, this blog was started because I was excited about traveling and experiencing new places. Even though living in Seoul is certainly travel, after a few months of being in the city it gets harder to create a story, because you start to get into a routine.

Fortunately for me I was able to break out a 10 day vacation from work. I decided to go to Guam. I normally would not have chosen Guam, but I figured since I have a connection there I would be able to experience it less as a tourist.

First of all, the beaches in Guam are immaculate. I suppose anywhere in the south pacific is good, but it was my first time being in any tropical water. I was simply amazed at the blueness of the bay and the sea. The weather was quite good too, usually sitting around 80 something. At any time of year you can practically go to the beach and feel great. The water is really warm during the day and there is a lot of marine life to see through the clear water. I went snorkeling and it was fantastic fun. I would love to go back to any island and do it again.

It felt so strange to be in the US again, speaking English to everyone, and using American money. I am so used to Seoul. I was actually happy to be back. Guam is a laid back place, however, it would be just as easy to get into a routine and ignore all the great things about it.

One night I decided to buy a cigar, something I rarely enjoy in Korea. I went out on the beach alone. It was so peaceful. I just sat there and enjoyed the quiet while the breeze kept coming. I thought of trying to crack open a coconut from one of the trees, but before I could I suddenly felt uncomfortable. There seemed to be a few people walking around in the shadows, which wasn't necessarily odd, but this one guy just kept walking back and forth. I don't think he saw me at first, but then he started getting closer to me. At this point I was thinking it wasn't good because he was in between me and my car. So I made a walk to the open beach under the bright moonlight so I could get a better look. I would have been happier if the guy didn't come down to the beach on my exact path after I started walking. I then noticed another shadowy figure flanking my left, so at that point I was getting overly worried. This is what I do though, I think its a way for me to entertain myself sometimes. Anyway, I decided to walk the beach line until I got the the next hotel, but the shore turned into rocks, so I had to cut into the trees. I made it to a wall outside the hotel. I looked back to see the same idiot following my path. So I found a good place to jump and I hopped the wall. Coincedentally I had my binoculars with, so I kept an eye out for any other idiots. Finally I made it back to the hassienda. All was good and fun.

The good thing about travel is that it gets me ready to do it again. It re-ignites why I wanted to do it in the first place. I will be finishing up my job in Korea within 10 weeks. I look forward to the possibilities.

1 comment:

  1. hey
    that is a freaky story.

    glad it worked out ok
    i was kinda wondering for a minute there

